Sunday, February 14, 2010

F-100 center K-member

The center "K" member to the F-100 frame is done. Its made from 1.5x.120 HREW round
tube and 1.5x .75x .120 square-ish tube. And there's a drive shaft loop, too.

Impreza air conditioning

The Subaru Legacy air conditioning system low side has been difficult in the swap. The bump style O-ring fitting at the evaporator is different from Impreza to Legacy.

...and so are the fittings at the pump.

Cut the Factory crimp off the Impreza evaporator side to reveal teeth like the ones found on other hose connections. Keep the legacy pump side plus rubber a/c hose, cut rubber to length. Remember to clock it, crimp it.

Install it.
This A/c system is made of Legacy HVAC electronic control/heater box, Impreza A/C evaporator, Impreza inlet box with roll cage mod, Legacy condenser, Legacy high side lines and TMS modified low side line.

Refrigerator Type R

Shelf Bracket Thing. 3/4 holes with dimple edges.